Posts tagged Daughters
Raising Strong Daughters

Research shows us that our girls come strong and confident but around the age of 9 or 10 things start to take a downward turn for their self esteem and body image. Why? Because it is then that society stops focusing on ABILITIES and starts focusing on APPEARANCE. Yikes! This takes them into the preteen and teen years with a lower belief in themselves. Feelings of inferiority abound and if not nipped in the bud, things just get worse and worse. So what can we do? Listen as we share 8 tips research shows will help us raise strong daughters.

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Mothers and Daughters

There is something special between a mother and a daughter. Our greatest memories, biggest fights, best learning moments, head-butting, love, sorrow and mother bear tendencies are all a part of raising or being a daughter. Perhaps one of the most profound experiences of Mother/Daughter relationships, is having a mother evolve from a parent to a friend. There is nothing quite like the experience of growing older and having children of our own to help us truly understand why our mother's did what they did, the sacrifices the made and especially the acute love they felt for us. Today we'll interview a single mother of three as well as a mother of ten. We'll ask questions and find out what motherhood was like from two of our very own mothers. Special guests: Connie Rose (Kate's mom) and Jane Bell Meyer (Christie's mom).

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