Parenthood is Interesting

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A couple of weeks ago I felt like I had a break through parenting moment. During a rough week, God taught me something about patience and parenting I desperately needed. I have been a different parent since. I have also been supremely grateful.

My buttons were pushed tonight at bedtime and it ended in raised voices, punishments and tears. Theirs and mine. I regret how the scene unfolded.

I apologized, hugged, prayed with them, hugged some more, and put them to bed. Then sat in a somewhat depressive state wallowing in mom guilt. The worst.

The thought occurred to me that guilt doesn't change things, love does. I have to love and forgive myself so I can love my kids the way they need it.

This isn't for likes or comments, but the thought occurred to me while I was drowning myself in self-pity, that perhaps there's another parent out there that needs to know they aren't the only ones who've "reached their limit".

To you (and me), tomorrow is another day. One incident doesn't define us as a parent. We're learning, and growing. The trick is not beat ourselves up when we're down, but to rise up and try a little harder the next day.

Originally posted on Facebook on December 16, 2013

Michelle McCullough